Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The beginning

So I suppose this is my blog. Perhaps this is a more convenient method of communicating my knitting adventures than randomly IMing half my friends whenever I finish a new project. Will this blog last longer than my previous one? Only time will tell.


Ilix said...

YAY!!! your own blog.... let me know if you want a group to knit with around here! LOL

Anonymous said...

agggg i let a guildie die reading this
- koi

Arzu said...

*grins* You're just as bad as me! We all know not to multitask while monking, and yet.....we can't help ourselves!

Anonymous said...

KitKatZ! Well Done! =D, You certainly sound like your enjoying yourself. Knit for GotWoot woman! And know that I am a cruel taskmaster! Best wishs! =)